7 Essential Tips for Parents: Easing Back-To-School Anxiety

 7 Essential Tips for Parents: Easing Back-To-School Anxiety

Returning to school can be exciting for the majority of both parents and children, however it's also common for both children and parents to experience anxiety around the transition. Especially, for those who have been away due to illness, mental health issues, homeschooled or engaging in distance learning.  For them, returning to school can be a tougher transition.  Thankfully, there are healthy ways to navigate this change. These tips emphasize proactive strategies, open communication, and customized support:

My Teen is Addicted to Social Media. What do I do?

My Teen is Addicted to Social Media. What do I do?

Social media and technology has become such a huge part of our lives today, but what happens when kids, teens and even adults are not longer able to recognize when it’s taken over? Learn how social media and technology can quickly become an addiction, how to spot the signs in your kids/teens and some helpful tips to get it under control.